Products :
1-Overhead conductor , bare copper, aluminum & aluminum / steel for low & high voltage transmission .
2-Copper cables insulated with PVC, one core up to /1000/ mm2 . or multi cores up to /4×400/ mm2 for low voltage up to 1 K.V., ordinary & armored .
3-Copper cables insulated with industrial rubber for special purposes .
4-Indoor electric insulated wires .
5-T.V antennas cord ( colored & ordinary ) .
6-Multi pair telephone cables .
7-Quad and field telephone motor coils .
8-Enameled wires for electric motor coils .
9-Cables for computers ( data transmission cables ) .
Address :
Damascus- Hosh blass .
p.o. BOX : 827
Tel : 011 2119771/72
Fax : 011 8821491
E-mail : damacable @mail . sy
Web : www. damacable . com